AI AI AI, it`s Monday, and we are having quesadillas for dinner! The only work is basically the chopping and flipping the wrap (not recommended though, might end up on the floor). So yum, so good, so tasty, so (not) healthy (minus the cheese, but lets be honest, we all like a cheesy quesadilla). And it is Monday, MONDAY, and we all could use a little comfort food at the beginning of the week. Sooooooooo this is the ingredients chicos e chicassssssss!!!!!
Price per person - £2.07
Ingredients for two generous meals!
1 avocado
A bit of onion
Lemon Juice
Salt, pepper
Some chilli
1) Cut the avocado lengthways, twist to get the two halves and de stone. Chop into cubes and use a spoon to smush it up.
2) Finely chop the onion, we used the side off an onion, so I guess like a fifth. Who knows? "Onion to taste" would be a better way to describe it. Throw it in with the avocado.
3) We used one chilli pepper for the whole recipe. So a third for each component of the meal. Again, finely chop and add to the mix.
4) Half a lemon, and squeeze some lemon juice over the mixture. Season and it's SORTED.
Some tomatoes - we used plum tomatoes, but it doesn't matter, might be easier to use bigger ones cus it is easier to chop them
A bit of onion
Some chilli
Lemon Juice
1) Roughly chop the tomatoes - I think we used about a third of a punnet of plum tomatoes.
2) Finely chop the third of a chilli and the chunk of onion.
3) Mix together and squeeze the other half of the lemon over.
For the quesadillas:
Bean salad - we used half a tin of sweetcorn, half a tin of kidney beans (simmer them for 5 minutes before using) and another chunk of onion (we used half an onion for the whole recipe.).
Chicken - we bought a small chicken from Aldi for £2.99 and popped it in the slow cooker for a few hours - should last us 3 meals/lunches/random post-LCR night snack.
Grated cheese - we used red Leicester, because Charlotte is from Leicester, I would prefer the Norwegian cheese Norvegia, but oh well, doing it the Charlotte way.
Chilli Pepper
Wraps - we bought garlic flavoured, because it is the best, and we like garlic, and we don`t have any boyfriends so we can eat garlic yeeeeea, *imagine me head banging now*.
1) Pour a little oil in a large pan over a medium heat. Pop the wrap in flat, sprinkle cheese over, and spoon some of the bean salad over it. Throw some chicken over it if you're feeling particularly carnivorous.
2) Fold over the wrap and allow it to cook a little. If you're brave enough, flip it when you think the bottom is cooked nicely (took about 5 minutes) and cook on the other side.
3) We had some leftover cheese so sprinkled it on the top and put it under the grill for a bit to melt.
4) Serve and eat generously with the guac and salsa!