Saturday, 7 February 2015

Banana Pancakes

So this is happening in our kitchen saturday morning after a night out: strong, black coffee, some Jack Johnson on the speaker and banana pancakes on the making! We are pretending that our view is a sandy beach, with some nice waves, palm trees and turtles; when the truth is the LCR, a laundry and a bike rack. We have a good imagination!

This is the easiest recipe ever, EVER, which is very convenient when you are hanging and don't have enough brain cells to think. All you need is one banana, 2 eggs, cinnamon and some butter.

A mixer will be very handy as you don't want any banana bits in the mix. Put the banana in the mixer, and let the banana almost become liquid (ouuuufff sounded a bit weird, but trust me, this will be good). Mix two eggs in and cinnamon. Mix mix mix! Add some butter in a preheated pan, on medium heat and start making pancakes;-) It was so so so yum, and so easy!!! We kinda burned ours because I (Marianna) was not patient enough to wait, so I put the pan on a very high heat, but realised I didn't want burned pancakes, I mean who does?? So I turned the heat down, and the pancakes turned out to be so much better!

The best thing to put on a banana pancake is Nutella, but we didn't have any left (ehem Charlotte), so lemon and sugar kinda worked as well! Enjoy guys!

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