Friday 6 February 2015

Leftover lunch

It's the end of the week and the fridge is starting to get a bit empty so this is when we have to start being creative with the things we have left. We had some leftover risotto from yesterday's dinner, so we decided to make risotto cake for lunch. We also had a bag of salad, some veg and fruit and goats cheese to make a fresh and healthy salad on the side.


Leftover risotto
1 egg
Salad, veg, fruit, whatever you have to make a side salad (we used mixed salad leafs, tomatoes, cucumber, blueberries and an orange).
Some left over cheese or meat to put in the salad (we used goats cheese)

Beat an egg in a bowl, stir in risotto. Add some olive/veg oil in a pan on medium heat, and kinda like spread out the risotto mix on the pan like showed in the picture. The picture is showing a finished product, but just for you to have an idea.....

Fry the risotto for 6-7 minutes, and then you can put the whole pan in a preheated grill just to "fry" on top as well (about 6-7 minutes). If you don't have a grill then just stick to the stove, but the result might not be the same. I mean, you could always try to flip it, but I wouldn't recommend that... And the timing on how long you should fry the risotto is kinda "by eye" so pay attention along the way. You probably don't have to season it, as it has been seasoned the day before when making dinner. 

Meanwhile you can prep the salad. Fruits in a salad is so yum and delicious and super healthy! You can literally put anything you want in a salad, and that is the beauty of it! Perfect for a leftover lunch. If you have some leftover chicken, cheddar cheese, mozzarella, dried fruits or nuts; shove it in the salad!! You can season with salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and lemon juice :)

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