Wednesday 18 February 2015

Smoked Salmon and Pulled Turkey Rolls

Yooooo people, long time no talk, yea? I am still in Norway, heading to Norwich tomorrow, fuuuun. Okey, soooo me and my mom are having a homemade veggie soup for dinner tonight. However, the fun part is the cute little side dish I prepped in literally, LITERALLY 5 minutes. The ideal would be to use norwegian potato flat bread, but you will unlikely find this at Aldi's or in Norwich for that matter, so you could either make savoury pancakes, or buy tortilla wraps (but it won't be the same, so I recommend you guys to take a little trip Norway and fill your suitcases with potato flat bread, oh and Toro brownies mix, but thats another story lol).


Smoked salmon and pulled turkey (you get really nice and cheap Scottish smoked salmon from Aldi, but pulled turkey is a bit more tricky to find, you really don't need it, you could use parma ham, or just normal ham, or tuna, the flavoured ones from Aldi are really nice, especially the one with black pepper and lemon. You know what? Use whatever you fancy).
Cream cheese (this is kinda essential)
Spring onions I you feel like it
Parsley or any other herb (oh maybe not rosemary, don't know why, just not feeling rosemary).
You could shove in some arugula or spinach (I didn't use it this time).

Spread the cream cheese around the whole wrap/pancake/potato flat bread, put 2-3 slices of smoked salmon inside (depends on the size of your wrap/pancake/potato flat bread), sprinkle some herbs, spring onions, arugula or some green stuff on top of the salmon, and roll the wrap/pancake/potato flat bread. If you are feeling a bit Gordon-Ramsey-Jaime-Oliver-Nigella-Lawson today, garnish with some parsley or any other herb (not rosemary please), do a little mhhhm and aaah (like Nigella) and it should look like this ish :-)

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