Saturday, 7 February 2015

Courgetti with Chorizo

Saturdays are our final dinner days before the next big shop, and so usually we see what's left in the fridge and get creative. We had some leftover chorizo and carrots, and a pack of courgettes we hadn't yet delved into. Tins of chopped tomatoes are always in our cupboards because they're a cheap alternative to pasta sauce - why spend £1.50 on a jar of tomato sauce, when you can spend 30p on chopped tomatoes and it basically taste the same!
So today we made Courgetti with Chorizo, a must have before a night out at the LCR/town/anywhere that involves excessive alcohol consumption.

Tin of chopped tomatoes
Any leftover veg - we used carrots, but something like peppers would work even better!
Courgettes - we used 3 between the two of us
Half a ring of chorizo
Price per person: £0.78

1) Cut the courgettes into thin strips - it takes a lot of patience, so much that Marianna refused to do it this time, and left me to do it all alone sob;sob. Put some water on to boil.

2) Chop the chorizo and left over veg into slices, chunks, or whatever you fancy and throw it into a frying pan and soften for about 5-10 minutes. Then add the tin of tomatoes and reduce to a low heat.

3) Put the courgette strips into the boiling water, and boil until it softens. We like ours a little al dente, so it has a nice crunch, this usually takes between 5 and 10 minutes.

4) Serve up in generous amounts because you'll never want to stop eating it.

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