Thursday, 12 February 2015

Veggie Jalfrezi

After a bottle of red, and a rather delicious, and moorish meal, I've finally gotten round to writing the blog post. I can't say that this is a culinary feat for us, but we were craving curry. We're in a kinda weird mood, Marianna is attempting to read, but chatting away about Sierra Leone (as per usual), and there's some kind of conversation going on with the rest of the flat about how babies smell like milk. (Of course I'm just sat here, trying to concentrate - I'm being pretty boring I guess.)  But anyway, this is our easy peasy, cheap and (word that rhymes easy) vegetarian curry.

This was before alcohol was involved...

Ingredients: - I guess we could have made 4 meals out of this tbh
Left over veg - we used a pepper, aubergine, courgette and onion.
Jalfrezi sauce - ok, we cheated here, but its so much easier and cheaper to buy a ready made sauce than make your own - I can't afford all the different curry pastes and wouldn't know the first lace to buy them!
Price per person: £1.22

1) Chop up all the veg and throw into a pan with a little oil and keep on a high heat for a bit, stir it so it doesn't burn.

2) Boil water for the rice, and add rice to the pan - it's like 75g per person - but we have no scales so guess.

3) When the veg is soft, add the chickpeas and sauce, reduce to a medium heat until the rice is done.

4) Once the rice is done (takes about 15-20 minutes in our student slums), serve up and eat... then get Marianna to wash up.

(Marianna wanted to show off her tattoo)

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